Đặt câu với từ "uterus|uteri|uteruses"

1. The appendages to the uterus are collectively known as the Adnexa uteri

2. There is a general increase in MPS concentration in postimplantation uteri when compared with delay uteri.

3. Malignant Neoplasm of cervix uteri

4. Prospective, fundus uteri of pregnant women

5. In the case of the Adnexa uteri, the structures include the fallopian tubes attached to the uterus along with the ovaries.The uterus is also supported by a number of ligaments that hold it in place and maintain the positioning of other aspects of the pelvic anatomy.

6. The Latin, Cervix uteri translates to …

7. Cerebrovascular disease 108 Cervix uteri cancer 70

8. In many species with two uteri, only one is functional.

9. What is an Anteverted Uterus? An Anteverted uterus is just the way the uterus position and how it develops

10. Carl Clauberg injected chemicals into women's uteruses in an effort to glue them shut.

11. There are a few structures that make up the Adnexa uteri

12. An Anteverted uterus is a tipped uterus, that is, one which tilts forward

13. An Anteverted uterus is a uterus that is tilted forward towards the bladder while a retroverted uterus points backwards towards the rectum.

14. In addition, the present invention provides a detector for inspecting the cervix uteri including the tube for inspecting the cervix uteri and a detecting part (50) of the cervix uteri which is placed by passing through the tube.

15. Approximately 75% of women have an Anteverted uterus, around 25% have a retroverted uterus

16. Treatment for Anteverted Uterus

17. Fifteen typical adenoacanthomas (Fig. 5) were localized only in the corpus uteri.

18. Examination of leiomyomas in pregnant uteri demonstrate LDH within the cell to be changed.

19. The parts of the Adnexa uteri are the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and ligaments

20. Q: What is Atrophic uterus? A:Atrophic uterus is a uterus, which is slightly smaller in size.This is usually / normally seen in women who have undergone menopause

21. WHAT IS Bulky UTERUS? A Bulky uterus is the generalised swelling of the uterine wall

22. An Anteverted Uterus This is a uterus that curves forwards at the cervix towards the abdomen

23. An Anteverted uterus is a uterus that is tilted forward, towards the bladder and abdomen, while a retroverted uterus points backwards towards the rectum, according to zocdoc

24. Is an Anteverted uterus normal?

25. Carcinoma of the cervix uteri is the second most diagnosed cancer during pregnancy.

26. The bulky Anteverted uterus, also called endomyosis, is a condition where the uterus is enlarged and tilted

27. 7 Uterus Normally pear-sized, the uterus grows up to five times its usual size in pregnancy.

28. The foets were taken off and the uteri studied for resorptions.

29. Donovanosis affecting cervix, uterus, and Adnexae

30. Endometrium (cells lining the uterus wall)

31. Ametrous: In teratology , without a uterus.

32. But is that so? Find out! What Is an Anteverted Uterus? When the uterus is tilted towards the front of the abdomen, it is known as an Anteverted uterus.

33. ‘You feel some pain in your uterus - breastfeeding, in particular, can stimulate ‘Afterpains ' as your uterus contracts.’

34. Effects of acetylcholine on inositol 5- triphosphate formation in cervix uteri myo- metrial cells of human.

35. By this we find a local difference in the activity between cervix and corpus uteri.

36. Technically, the Cervix is the lower third of the uterus and is considered to be the “neck” of the uterus, connecting the uterus to the vaginal canal, says Thornton

37. The medical term for a “tipped uterus” is an “Anteverted” (tilts forward) or a “retroverted uterus” (tilts backward)

38. When the uterus is tilted towards the front of the abdomen, it is known as an Anteverted uterus

39. The droplets accumulate at the inner surface of the uterus and coalesce along a thin layer of uterus secretion.

40. Progesterone-antagonistic and anti-oestrogen compounds for the therapy of leiomyomata uteri

41. The Adnexa of the uterus is the space in your body occupied by the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes

42. Effectiveness of screening has been established for two cancer sites: breast and cervix uteri.

43. Mice were sacrificed on day 18 of gestation for uteri examination for teratological changes.

44. Tube for inspecting cervix uteri including hollow part for monitoring and detector including same

45. Illustration demonstrating an anteflexed, Anteverted normal uterus

46. A carcinogenic stylus (20-methyl cholanthrene) was implanted in the corpus uteri of female mice.

47. In two cases a change to infiltrating growth into the corpus uteri could be observed.

48. An Anteverted uterus is a term, which is used by doctors to try to distinguish the position of the uterus

49. Anteverted means that the uterus is tipped forward, which is normal and the most common position for the uterus

50. An Anteverted uterus is a term, which is used by doctors to try to distinguish the position of the uterus

51. Earlier the position of the uterus was linked with infertility, but according to new research Anteverted uterus is no ways a …

52. Anteverted retroflexed uteri were found in 1% of parous women but 27% of those who had undergone CD

53. In pregnant uteri, the architecture, generally speaking, remains the same, although, the individual fibres are not so discrete.

54. After intraamniotic injection to the first amniotic cavity of the left uteri we could establish a distribution of imidan and 32P compounds throughout the uteri, the concentration depending upon the incubation time and the distances from the place of injection.

55. We had to remove your ovaries and uterus.

56. 13 The ovaries are adnexa of the uterus.

57. This tincture will help relax the uterus and calm Afterpains while still allowing the uterus to regain its normal shape and size.

58. Experiences in chemotherapeutical treatment of reticulum cell sarcoma of the cervix uteri are not yet published.

59. Strains with uteri known or suspected to be less responsive should not be used.

60. Exfoliative cells from lip, tongue, cervix uteri, fornix vaginae and scrotum are described morphologically.

61. Cesarean definition, an operation by which a fetus is taken from the uterus by cutting through the walls of the abdomen and uterus

62. Close to 75 percent of women have uterus that is tilted forward or Anteverted and 25 percent have uterus tilted backward or retroverted

63. Uterine Atony refers to the inadequate contraction of the corpus uteri myometrial cells in response to endogenous oxytocin release.

64. Pregnant rabbit uteri were isolated and the circulation maintained by donor-animals via an aorta-aorta-anastomosis.

65. If your doctor tells you have you an Anteverted uterus, it means that your uterus tilts forward at your cervix, toward your abdomen

66. They are called "Adnexal" because of their association with the Adnexa of the uterus, which are appendages related to the uterus

67. Adenocarcinoma of the uterus body is a malignant neoplasm that occurs from the tissues of the muscular or mucous membrane of the uterus

68. Examining the uterus, cervix, ovaries and Adnexae: normal findings

69. 5 The uterus rises to a more upright position.

70. 4 The uterus is very responsive to bass tones.

71. The Cervix is the lowest part of the uterus

72. I'm just a woman with a dusty old uterus.

73. 6 Her uterus became distended, causing her horrid pain.

74. Discuss the necessity for protection against endometrial hyperplasia during long-term therapy in women with intact uteri.

75. The microbial colonization of vulva, vagina and cervix uteri represents the reservoir for recurrent urinary tract infection.

76. Fertilizacija in vitro uključuje implantaciju Blastule u majčin uterus

77. Adnexa refers to adjoining anatomical parts of the uterus

78. The uterus would literally fall out of the body.

79. 17 The glandular mucous membrane that lines the uterus.

80. I've had patients with the uterus removed -- hysterectomy -- who have a phantom uterus, including phantom menstrual cramps at the appropriate time of the month.